

We have received some lovely comments recently #feeling proud – so thought I’d share a few…

“After weeks of an increasingly painful and debilitating left knee, I was at the stage of convincing myself that a total knee replacement was the only solution! An assessment at Impact Physio prescribed a very well explained and visually clear exercise regime, which I followed religiously every day. Six weeks later I am walking pain free and ‘normally’. Impact Physio provided the professional expertise and encouragement I needed. Thank-you.” Mary Williams

I really like this one! One of the most rewarding parts of our job is making a difference – its not magic – sometimes its something simple – and not making it out to be anything it isn’t – this was a simple case of strengthening making a huge difference – all we did here was assess what the problem was and then address it.  Simple. With great results.

Another lovely thank-you – again, we didn’t have to do much here – but the specific small changes have made a huge difference;

I have suffered with a niggling and sometimes exceptionally painful lower back and neck for years but just thought it was ‘one of those things’ I had to endure. On speaking with Rachel Royer I decided to request an appointment. After just 2 sessions and armed with simple exercises it has made a world of difference already! Why didn’t I go earlier? My lower back is stronger with a less pronounced curve and I can use my neck without suffering excruciating stabbing pains. Amazing! At IP they have excellent expertise, professionalism and courtesy, plus their plain speaking makes it clear instantly what the issue is and how to address it – ideal.
I have also had Craniosacral sessions with Chris and I come away feeling peaceful, empowered, with improved movement and increased self-esteem. My headaches have gone and I am positive it is having a beneficial effect on my digestion.
I can’t recommend the team enough. Many thanks all.” Viv Smith


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