physio assessing knee

You may have seen that we’ve joined a challenge this month. As a team we’re aiming to clock 200 miles. Although the event is called “Run For The Trees” any moving miles count.

So often we hear “I can’t run / had to stop running because my knees hurt” so its probably a good time to address one of the common causes of knee pain and what we might be able to do about it.

Our knees are relatively simple structures, a hinge joint but there is a degree of rotation / twist too which allows full movement and conformity to rough surfaces along. We have a couple of meniscus’s in the middle that aid movement and shock absorption and a bunch of ligaments, the most common being the cruciates which we sometimes hear about being injured in football / skiing.

A typical cause of knee pain that we see in clinic is described as “Anterior Knee Pain” this is the common term for pain around the patello-femoral joint. The patella acts as a pully system for the thigh muscles (quads) and typically pain is diffuse / non-specific and changeable when irritable. This is a really annoying condition, depending on how severe things are depends on how effective treatment strategies are. 

One things for sure, patience and perseverance are key. Its worth seeing whether there’s tightness / weakness in the lower limb especially that might be contributing to mechanical forces.

The main management for AKP usually involves activity modification and a load overview. i.e. gradually changing our activity levels over time and considering speed, time, surface and general life events alongside a gradual increase in distance.

Pain is not the best way to monitor whether things are better / worse as many factors influence pain. Noticing if you get any swelling / heat around the joint is more useful, especially if there’s a change in these symptoms.

Strengthening / stretching trends seem to vary, but essentially maintaining or regaining a robustness in the body is essential.

We’re happy to work with you to help if you struggle with knee pain.  Knowing what’s causing any pain and what you can do about it is empowering. Hopefully you can then do the activities you enjoy without having to avoid them.

                                      “Remember, if you’re moving, you’re lapping everyone on the couch!

             If you’re struggling with something, get in touch, we’re happy to work with you if we can.

                                                   0115 9721319 / [email protected]

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