Our team has been involved in the national vaccination effort – 9 of us have joined the local team and are working away alongside our usual physio clinics. Its a huge privilege to be part of the multi-disciplinary team based at the Long Eaton health Centre and Littlewick surgeries and add a new skill to our repetoire. 

Meeting more than 100 people each day is a pleasure, and the depth of gratitude is humbling. Many of the first to be vaccinated were venturing out for the first time in a year. It’s really sad to see the change in the population since the pandemic started with general activity levels reducing and health deteriorating. The past year has been a rollercoaster for most of us, and it’s clear that the knock on effect of the pandemic will be an effect on our activity levels and mental health.

The activity guidelines still apply, for adults aged 19-65 to do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise every week (moderate exercises classed as increased breathing rate but able to talk) or at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week (vigorous classed as breathing fast and difficulty talking) or a combination of both.

There’s so much on offer now via video-link / YouTube / SoMe and of course there’s the great outdoors, and the weather seems to be picking up too! The main thing with any exercise or activity is that you enjoy it, as you’re much more likely to stick with it.  And of course, if you have let your fitness slip or not been active for a while then build up what you do gradually. The body wants to move and thrives on activity, but if it not been active to avoid unnecessary aches and pains then think about gradually increasing what you do.


Exercise – NHS activity levels guidelines

Versus Arthritis Let’s move

Please get in contact if we can help at all: [email protected] / 0115 9721319

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