
Congratulations Louise: Now a certified Core Align Instructor

Congratulations to Louise who is now one of only 2 Balanced Body certified core align instructors in the UK.

To achieve this, Louise has completed 40 Core Align personal sessions (proud owner of a fit healthy body!) 14 hours observation and 120 student teaching hours – a huge total of 222 hours including the 16 hours for each of the 3 courses – wow!  Lousie has worked with Pilates instructors from all over the world during her courses, from Greece, Denmark, France (including the Pilates instructor from the cirque de soleil) .

Louise’s first course was taught by Portia Page, balanced body faculty member from California. (have a look at her work outs on YouTube). Louise completed the final two courses with Veronique Coignac, a core align master trainer, and in December, passed her final exam to become a certified balanced body core align instructor.

The core align was designed by a Physio from Belize, Jonathan Hoffman to challenge his sporting clients, bringing the ethos of Joseph Pilates into the 21st century. Jonathon found working with his clients on the core align that he quickly learnt how it helped them become aware of their movement weaknesses and improve them in a dynamic and functional way.

With the core align you can exercise any part of the body, challenging strength, balance or co-ordination depending on the variation of resistance or orientation of the body.

It doesn’t end here, Louise plans to join 2 American physio’s for a further course in April  using the core align for specific injuries, so she can teach it to all the physio’s at the practice. And after she’s convinced Rachel to buy another, we’ll all be able to try the really good stuff on two units at the same time!!!



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