Anterior Knee Pain

physio assessing knee

You may have seen that we’ve joined a challenge this month. As a team we’re aiming to clock 200 miles. Although the event is called “Run For The Trees” any moving miles count.

So often we hear “I can’t run / had to stop running because my knees hurt” so its probably a good time to address one of the common causes of knee pain and what we might be able to do about it.

Our knees are relatively simple structures, a hinge joint but there is a degree of rotation / twist too which allows full movement and conformity to rough surfaces along. We have a couple of meniscus’s in the middle that aid movement and shock absorption and a bunch of ligaments, the most common being the cruciates which we sometimes hear about being injured in football / skiing.

A typical cause of knee pain that we see in clinic is described as “Anterior Knee Pain” this is the common term for pain around the patello-femoral joint. The patella acts as a pully system for the thigh muscles (quads) and typically pain is diffuse / non-specific and changeable when irritable. This is a really annoying condition, depending on how severe things are depends on how effective treatment strategies are. 

One things for sure, patience and perseverance are key. Its worth seeing whether there’s tightness / weakness in the lower limb especially that might be contributing to mechanical forces.

The main management for AKP usually involves activity modification and a load overview. i.e. gradually changing our activity levels over time and considering speed, time, surface and general life events alongside a gradual increase in distance.

Pain is not the best way to monitor whether things are better / worse as many factors influence pain. Noticing if you get any swelling / heat around the joint is more useful, especially if there’s a change in these symptoms.

Strengthening / stretching trends seem to vary, but essentially maintaining or regaining a robustness in the body is essential.

We’re happy to work with you to help if you struggle with knee pain.  Knowing what’s causing any pain and what you can do about it is empowering. Hopefully you can then do the activities you enjoy without having to avoid them.

                                      “Remember, if you’re moving, you’re lapping everyone on the couch!

             If you’re struggling with something, get in touch, we’re happy to work with you if we can.

                                                   0115 9721319 / [email protected]

Hamstring tendinopathy

Training for anything isn’t always a smooth journey. We sometimes set our sights on a goal and even with the best intended preparation, it doesn’t always go to plan. Sometimes things get in the way from our training plan, other commitments, inclement weather conditions and occasionally an injury.

I was off one sunny Sunday morning for a long run, just making the most of a free morning.The plan was to enjoy a 25-30km route with no agenda other than to be out for a few hours to build up some endurance / time on the legs. 

Not far from home I tripped over a tree root. I managed to save myself from going head first but felt a pull at the top of the back of my left leg which made me pull up sharply. I was able to walk it off and decided to continue with my plans, shortening my stride so I couldn’t feel it pulling. In hindsight that may not have been the best idea, but I was able to continue without feeling it so I did.

I didn’t get a significant reaction following the outing, no obvious bruising or swelling, just a tightness that meant getting up from any period of sitting I could feel the back of my leg.  I couldn’t bend down to take my shoes off without bending my knee and there was a dull ache deep in my buttock cheek, directly over the hamstring origin.

This persisted over the next few weeks, I was able to continue training as nothing seemed to make the symptoms worse, it just didn’t get any better.  In addition, sitting for any periods of time, especially driving was really bothering me. I just wanted to move. Even short journeys of 10-15 minutes I was shifting about in my seat and getting out stiffly.

Time to do something specific to try and get things back on track.

I got it assessed by Finn in clinic who diagnosed a hamstring tendinopathy.  Basically a grumbly tendon from being overstretched. These are typically resistant to resolving and need a persistent approach to gradually load the tendon.

I started off with a graduated loading programme within range, isometric holds, non-aggravating regaining range exercises and gradually built up over time to loading the tendon at end range increasing to high loads at long muscle-tendon lengths. 

This was over several months and although things are now pretty low key, I continue to work on this area specifically when I do weights because things easily tighten up again and get grumbly if I don’t.

Images are some of the eccentric exercises
I did from the Aspetar Hamstring Protocol

At risk of blaming my age, I have noticed that the niggles I’ve had have been more resistant to resolving and needed a much more consistent approach to managing them.

Tendinopathies in particular can take months to completely resolve, depending on why its happened.  Addressing the robustness of the tendon to ensure its ready for what it is you’re expecting it to cope with is essential.

Lesson learnt by me; consistency, patience, and to stay positive maintaining health and well-being with non-aggravating activities. It really helped to have a clear diagnosis and plan to work with too.

               If you’re struggling with something, get in touch, we’re happy to work with you if we can.

                                                   0115 9721319 / [email protected]

When an injury affects your training plan….

I have recently been fortunate enough to have participated in the Marathon Des Sables (MdS), a 250km 6 day ultramarathon in the Sahara desert.  This has been a dream of mine for a while, I’m delighted to say I completed it at the end of April 2023.

Any multi-day event requires a huge amount of resources and focus to even get to the start line. The MdS as it is known, usually has a completion rate of 95% with the greatest amount of “drop-outs” before even travelling to Morocco. Typically 20% of those who sign up don’t make it out there.  This is often due to a change in circumstances or more typically due to injury. Balancing the training load for any event is a fine line between over-training and being able to tolerate the distance required to not only complete the event, but in my case enjoy it too. 

I focused my training on being able to complete the distances required as well as being able to go again each day for 6 days. For me, this included 5 days of 30km each day, a 85km long day and a 3 day event covering 85 miles sleeping in a sports hall overnight.  As well as consistently completing a minimum of 50km each week over time and incorporating cross training to consider strength and general health. I wasn’t able to do any training camps in hot climates but did have some sessions in a heat chamber (Loughborough University) as well as a bit running in sand whenever I could, with family and friends visits to Croyde!

Its important to gradually build up with any fitness, the body likes consistency and a balance. I aimed for a maximum of a 10% increase on distance each week and was careful to include rest days. Either complete rest or walking / swimming / yoga. Another component I considered with my training was the other factors in my life. This is something that’s hard to control,  being busy at work, sleep hygiene, other occasions, eating and drinking, or fuel and hydration. There’s a lot to balance, as well as keeping everything in context, not wanting to miss out on family special occasions or socialising / spending time with friends.

My typical week involved a couple of 10km runs during the week then a longer run / two at the weekend. Also a session of two with weights and some yoga. Nearer the event I also started increasing my tolerance carrying a weighted backpack, as a self-sufficient race, you carry everything for the week.  This includes food (which weights approx.. 3.5kg at the start of the event) and mandatory kit. The pack weights a minimum of 6.5kg at the start and combined with the 1.5kg of water at each check point typically weights a minimum of 8kg on day 1. The route is all on tracks / sand / and surprisingly a minimum of 500m elevation each day so it was also good to get to the peaks to get some hills in and on varying terrain.

swollen ankle

A few months before the event I was enjoying a solo trip on the Edale circuit, and was just coming off Kinder Scout when I went over on my ankle.  I felt an immediate sharp pain which made me stop. After a few moments I checked I could weight bear and hobbled to a sheltered spot to catch my breath. As it didn’t swell immediately and I could put my weight through it I managed to walk back to the car with poles. When I took my trainer off there was a localised swelling around the outside of the ankle, pretty consistent with a lateral ankle sprain. The next morning the ankle had ballooned and I struggled to walk. I therefore followed the principles of PEACE and LOVE conscious I was 10 weeks away from the start line and had hoped to build the mileage.

What’s changed in the management of soft tissue injuries?

We used to use the acronym RICE or PRICE/R or POLICE which advocated the use of ICE and anti-inflammatories.  However this has been updated in the last few years to shift the focus on early mobilisation once the initial phase has passed and the avoidance of anti-inflammatories and ice, which may delay healing.

Along with having to change my training expectations I also had to re-consider a training plan to maintain fitness and maximise conditions to optimise healing. I was assessed to determine what the injury was and get a rehabilitation timescale / plan to manage my expectations.

The first 10 days of a grade 1 strain pretty much focused around reducing the swelling and regaining range of movement and strength / proprioception in the area. I combined some open water swims and bike riding along with strength training to keep myself in a good place.  Its really important if you pick up an injury to consider what you can do as opposed to just what you can’t.

I was fortunate enough to make a good recovery over a couple of weeks following a regime of active rest and elevation initially, followed by regular exercises to regain range, strength and reaction in the ankle. I also used the static bike and rower to keep a cardio-vascular challenge and worked on general strength with weights, Yoga and Pilates.

It’s important if you do pick up an injury, whether it from falling over or something starts to hurt or niggle that you get it assessed properly so you know the best way to manage it. Sometimes we need to protect an area from all movements, at other times its important to keep loading the area so knowing what will facilitate the best healing times is essential. Depending on the structure or part of the structure can make a big difference to how to rehabilitate the area.  A muscle responds differently to a ligament or tendon for example. Its also important to consider what else needs to be considered in reducing the risk of re-injury such as strength in other areas of the body.

If you’re planning something special then get in touch, if you want to work with us to make sure you’re robust enough for the challenge, or add something into your training schedule such as Yoga or Pilates. Or if you do pick up an injury then get it assessed so you can set realistic goals. We will work with you with the aim of optimising your recovery so you can achieve and enjoy your goal.

For further info on the management of acute soft tissue injuries;

Special thanks to Finn who assessed my various injuries (hamstring and knee rehab blog to follow!) Mariangela for the awesome Yoga instruction and the whole Pilates team for keeping me strong and flexible. And of course the rest of the team for working hard in my absence and cheering me along the way. 


Why do runners get “injured”? 

When training specifically for an event we sometimes unfortunately pick up niggles that can affect our enjoyment or ability to prepare as we had planned.

Most of the time it comes down to a change in workload. Given enough time, our bodies are very good at adapting to increased workload. 

If we gradually increase the distances that we run, the muscle, tendon, and bone cells can respond to this increased workload and increase their ‘strength’ and endurance. If, however, we increase this workload too quickly, these structures don’t respond well, sometimes causing pain / weaknesses. The temptation to increase training more than the recommended increments can often be due to time demands / illness affecting our plans / any number of curve balls.

Changes in workload can be due to a change in:

  • Distance, time or intensity of training 
  • Terrain, for example more hills, harder / softer ground related to weather changes. Or if you’re used to running on pavements and you go off road. 
  • Footwear – new / old trainers
  • Running technique – this can change for different reasons. For example when its slippy under foot, or when you run faster or slower than you’re used to…

And of course, its really important to respect the need to rest and recover, especially when training hard. It’s also important to consider  considering what else is going on in our lives. Sleep quality, nutrition, hydration, general stress and activity levels….

Sticking to a training programme is the best plan and considering the bigger picture.  However if you do have a niggle then take a look at your schedule and see if there is anything you realise may have contributed to the problem starting. Sometimes it’s a simple matter of making gradual changes, however if you still struggle with a niggle then please get in touch, we want to support you to ensure you enjoy your event as much as you can.

We’re delighted to be supporting the Derby 10k again this year.

We will be at the event village on Sunday 26th before and after the 10k. We will be supported by the third year Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation students from the University of Derby offering pre and post event massage. 

We are offering a 10% discount for any physio services until the end of April with your race entry. So please contact us if you’re concerned about anything at all.

Here’s what some of our clients had to say about us

“I got injured while training for a marathon. When I went to see Impact 3 weeks before the run, I couldn’t walk without pain let alone run. They listened to my goals and were so encouraging. They clearly know what they’re doing too because I ran it yesterday, no stopping and no pain! Would 100% recommend”. 5/5

“Impact Physio was pro active and supportive in their treatment and suggestions on how to help me with a back injury which has stopped my running for the past few months and has cause me pain for nearly a year.  I followed all the exercise programmes and a back to run plan and today i ran a full 16 minutes for the first time for ages.  I cannot recommend them enough” 


Keep moving…

Our team has been involved in the national vaccination effort – 9 of us have joined the local team and are working away alongside our usual physio clinics. Its a huge privilege to be part of the multi-disciplinary team based at the Long Eaton health Centre and Littlewick surgeries and add a new skill to our repetoire. 

Meeting more than 100 people each day is a pleasure, and the depth of gratitude is humbling. Many of the first to be vaccinated were venturing out for the first time in a year. It’s really sad to see the change in the population since the pandemic started with general activity levels reducing and health deteriorating. The past year has been a rollercoaster for most of us, and it’s clear that the knock on effect of the pandemic will be an effect on our activity levels and mental health.

The activity guidelines still apply, for adults aged 19-65 to do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise every week (moderate exercises classed as increased breathing rate but able to talk) or at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week (vigorous classed as breathing fast and difficulty talking) or a combination of both.

There’s so much on offer now via video-link / YouTube / SoMe and of course there’s the great outdoors, and the weather seems to be picking up too! The main thing with any exercise or activity is that you enjoy it, as you’re much more likely to stick with it.  And of course, if you have let your fitness slip or not been active for a while then build up what you do gradually. The body wants to move and thrives on activity, but if it not been active to avoid unnecessary aches and pains then think about gradually increasing what you do.


Exercise – NHS activity levels guidelines

Versus Arthritis Let’s move

Please get in contact if we can help at all: [email protected] / 0115 9721319

Let us know how you're getting on!

Goodbye 2020!

What a year! A time to reflect as we head into 2021, the huge changes that we have made to continue to offer the standards of care we are proud of. Everyone in the team has stepped up to the challenge and pulled together. Its been tough, as a social bunch we have got used to supporting each other from a distance and of course working with you either via zoom or through PPE!

Our strict processes though have meant that we have managed to stay open and offer continued care throughout the pandemic. We are hugely grateful for the support we have received and look forwards now to adapting as needed in order to continue next year.

Our classes will continue to operate through zoom for the foreseeable future and our 4 clinics will respond to local requirements, currently the plan is to continue face to face appointments at our Long Eaton and Pride Park clinics on Jan 4th. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Wishing you all a healthy and active 2021!

Please get in contact if we can help at all: [email protected] / 0115 9721319

Let us know how you're getting on!

“”The Gym is open!!!” One physio’s lockdown experience: Part 2″

Thanks again to Jo who has found time to put fingers to keyboard….

So…it’s Saturday 25th July, day 2 of my 4 day shift, I’m still working down in Birmingham at the NHS PPE call centre- I can’t say getting up at 5.30am 4 days a week has been particularly easy- but I feel like I’m doing “my bit” and has been extremely beneficial- not just financially, but also working with a great bunch of folk.

The weekends are relatively subdued, with very few calls to take- but today there is some excited discussions revolving around the fact that gyms are opening today for the first time since the lock-down. So who’s going? Is it safe? What are people looking forward to getting back into? Classes? Weights? Yoga/ pilates?

My ears prick up, not only because I’m a regular gym user myself, but with my physio hat on, I wonder (perhaps rather pessimistically) if we will see some sports-type injuries in clinic?

“But exercise is GOOD for us right?!”

The positive effects of exercise are well documented, but like anything, too much of a good thing can cause us problems- or more specifically, in respect to exercise; too much of a good thing TOO QUICKLY causes problems.

The reason for this is revealed when we understand what happens to the human body and all it’s varied tissues (bone, muscles, tendons…) when we STOP doing an exercise or sport that we do regularly- and lock-down has provided this rather unwelcome and unique period of rest.

The human body is the most incredible organism- without any input from us, it can change and adapt almost on a daily basis! In terms of the musculoskeletal system, the stimulus to adapt comes from our environment and what we do in it. Some studies that have looked at this in professional athletes- showing that in as little as 2 weeks of rest, muscles start to get weaker and tendons contain a little less collagen (the protein that makes the tendon “stiff.”)

“But I’m not Usain Bolt!” I hear you say…

Well, this “de-training affect” as it is known, has also been shown in “normal” people. A research study carried out in 2000 (   looked at bone mineral density and muscle strength around the hip joints of a group of pre-menopausal women who participated in a 12 month programme of impact training, along with lower body strengthening and resistance training. They measured these parameters at the beginning and end of the 12 month training period, but also at the end of a further 6 month period of rest. The researchers found that there were measurable increases (3.2%) in bone density around the neck of the femur (thigh bone) and also on average, a 15% increase in muscle strength- at the end of the 12 month training period. But these increases had disappeared by the end of the 6 month rest and returned to the baseline measures.

I see the affects of this in my work with the student athletes at the University of Derby. There are pronounced “spikes” of injuries which occur just after periods of rest- especially on returning after the longer summer break and also from the Christmas holiday.

The “partner in crime” with the de-training affect is the speed and intensity of training following this rest period. “They’ve just had 3 months off, they need to train EVEN HARDER than normal!” is a common phrase I hear from coaches. At this point, athletes often enter periods of very high intensity training, or perhaps training twice a day for the first week or so- which can be a recipe for disaster for some students.

The principle is the same for you- you might be thinking about returning to the gym as they open today- and planning to do more sessions in the first few weeks, or an extra spin class straight after your normal session/ or adding an extra 10kg on to the bar/ attempting new exercises not tried before…in an attempt to make up for lost time and try and address the lockdown bulge! 

We would call these “training errors” and they will all increase your risk of getting injured. Another piece of very interesting research that has guided the sports medicine fraternity, is that of Australian Physiotherapist Tim Gabbett ( He concluded that  “Excessive and rapid increases in training loads are likely responsible for a large proportion of non-contact, soft-tissue injuries.” In addition, he also concluded that an “appropriately graded” medium to high intensity exercise may actually protect against injury.

So- what does that mean for you? It’s not easy to give specific advice, but firstly, make a plan, based on what your pre-lockdown schedule looked like- did you train 3-4 times a week? Then start with 2. Don’t train on consecutive days- give your body a day off at least between sessions- this is when the muscles and other tissues adapt (get stronger)! Start with low-medium intensity workouts. If you like working with weights, start with weights that are a little lighter than you would’ve lifted pre-lockdown. This will allow you to focus on your technique- poor technique can also be another factor that can increase your risk of picking up an injury. Build up your session intensity/ weights SLOWLY aim to be back to your pre-lockdown level within an absolute minimum of 4 weeks.

This may all sound like common sense- but you’d be surprised how many injuries we see in clinic that are related to simple training errors like these! If you do pick up an injury or you’re not sure where to start, then book yourself in and we’ll be able to give you some more specific advice.

I hop you enjoy a safe gym-return folks!

Please get in contact if we can help at all: [email protected] / 0115 9721319

Let us know how you're getting on!

“Walking the walk (or sitting the sit!) One physio’s lockdown experience.”

It’s 7.30am on a Sunday morning, day 2 of my 4 x 12 hour shifts…post-furlough I’ve needed to find myself some work that will keep me from going stir-crazy at home- working at the coal face back in hospital was not an option for me as a single parent- so taking up a position with Unipart, who look after the logistics for the NHS’s PPE supply chain, seemed to be a good second option.

10 weeks in now, and it’s been an eye opening experience- on all fronts- from both the  physical and mental perspective! I’m hoping that with my physio hat on, I can offer some thoughts that might help you cope with the ups and downs of working life- especially if your job involves a chair/ desk/ computer screen.

The first, and probably the most fundamental challenge I’ve faced, is that my pre-COVID working lifestyle couldn’t be any different from what I am currently doing. Most physios will tell you that they will invest just as much (if not more…) in a comfy pair of trainers for work, than they would on a pair of Lauboutins! We’re on our feet A LOT!

Working with athletes and patients alike, I’m constantly on my feet- either watching patients perform various functional movement tasks, demonstrating exercises or standing at the couch and treating. So, moving to a job that involves an hour’s drive either way and then sitting at a desk for 12 hours, for 4 days back to back- has provided a significant change in what my body does- in terms of position and the loads placed on the joints and muscles. 

We know from various research papers, that the human body adapts very quickly to new conditions; once elite level athletes stop training, there is a measurable reduction in muscle strength even after just 10 days! For us mere mortals, it will be a case a couple of weeks perhaps.

So…picture the scene- I’d survived my first 4 days- alien environment, lots of new stuff to learn, along with A LOT of sitting…I really felt like going for a run, get myself into the fresh air! When I say run, I should quantify that- it’s a steady 1 minute run: 2 minute walk. I should also say at this point, that I’m not a “runner” as such- I’m a regular gym goer and I throw myself enthusiastically around a netball court x 1 a week…with a VERY occasional run.

During this first run, at about the 30 minute mark, I felt a sharp cramping sensation in my right calf that literally stopped me in my stride- let’s stop, walk a little- have another go… nope! Definitely not going to “run this one off!” So, disappointingly, I limped the rest of the way home and popped a bag of frozen peas on it for 20 minutes. I could still feel it the following day so I concluded that I’d pulled it (but not torn; no bruising or swelling and although slightly sore, walking was much easier.) So, what to do about it? Something that we see commonly in clinic, are people who hurt themselves and then rest too much- many weeks in some cases- then returning to running once pain-free, without having prepared the injured muscle adequately, often resulting in re-injury. 

Fortunately, having worked with a lot of court-based sports at Derby University (with all the associated calf and ankle problems!) I know the importance of good strong calf muscles- and how they can protect the ankles and lower legs- so, I got going with the calf strengthening circuit that I had devised for the athletes to do. It’s a series of various types of calf raises (also known as heel raises) that don’t require any pieces of gym equipment (apart from a step/ set of stairs) that can be very helpful when trying to prepare a previously injured and weak calf muscle.

But how do you know if your calf muscle is strong enough to run? Well, as a general rule of thumb in the clinic, if someone who’s had a significant injury (knee surgery-ligament repair or muscle tear) and wanting to return to running or a running-based sport, I would ask the patient to perform a single leg calf raise endurance test (how many can they perform to fatigue- off a step?) I would expect to see around the 25 rep mark- or certainly no less than 5 reps difference compared to the non-injured side. 

I duly did this and within a week or so, I went out for another run- but knowing that I hurt my calf at around 30 minutes, I felt it sensible to keep it to 20 minutes (the reality being; it felt good so I managed 30, but no more!)


So- key questions to ask yourself before doing something new;

  • What does the new activity involve?
  • How does is differ to my normal “day to day” activities?
  • Am I strong enough/ flexible enough to do this new activity?

You may need some help addressing these kinds of questions- our staff can be really helpful when it comes to starting something new.

Closing thoughts;    “Most injuries occur in people who’ve done too much, too quickly having done too little for too long!”

Thanks++ Jo Keegan for finding the time to pen your experience and share it with us

Please get in contact if we can help at all: [email protected] / 07977 239893

Please also keep in touch just to let us know how you're getting on!

COVID-19 Action Plan

To all our clients at Impact Physio

We are monitoring the situation closely and are following the guidance of our governing bodies, the local health authorities and World Health Organization (WHO), to ensure we are doing our part to keep you and our wider communities safe. 

If you have any concerns about attending your appointment, then please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you need to reduce your risk due to personal or wider responsibilities to others, are within a vulnerable category yourself or need to self-isolate due to a persistent new cough or have a fever then please don’t physically attend your appointment.

We are able to offer either telephone consultations or video links to enable your management to continue. In most cases we can continue to offer assessment, advice and our classes in a virtual environment therefore avoiding contact risk.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss this further or make contact prior to your scheduled time to organise this.

If you are well and able to keep your appointment then we can assure you that we continue to maintain our high standards of infection control. We have also increased vigilance with the most-touched surfaces like door handles, credit card readers, and restrooms. We also ensure our team are following guidelines regarding their own health. 

We wish you all the best at this time and thank-you for your continued support. 

2020 changes

A new decade, new challenges… 

This year we are have rebooked some of our favourite challenges – continuing our quest to surf better! We have changed our 3 peak challenge to the “10 Peaks in the Lakes” and added a cool down “Great North Swim” the following day! Of course this will all be accompanied by lashings of cake in true Impact style raising money for some great causes.

This year Phil – who has been a stalwart at the clinic for over 10 years has been offered a full-time role at Nottinghamshire CCC, we wish him all the best and can’t wait until the close season already for him to re-join us!

We welcome Ben Trevor-Jones who has come over from Sydney University Sports Injury Clinic to join Derbyshire CCC for a PT role with the second team, he will be based at all 4 of our clinics!

Jenny Horrigan has recently joined us to offer Pelvic health services, this service is in massive demand and is an intervention that following assessment can make a huge impact on peoples lives. Jenny is based at Long Eaton & Pride Park.

Tom Lamb joins us for 6 months while he is completing his Sports Medicine Masters at The University of Nottingham, Tom has previously worked at Crewe Alexandra.

Lorraine Geutjens has completed her “return to work” HCPC registration after family time and now works PT with us at the Long Eaton base. Lorraine has experience working within the MOD and Nottingham City Hospital in MSK.

And lastly but not least Ali Crewesmith who also works at the Physio Dept. at London Road Community Hospital will be based at our Kedleston Road / University of Derby clinic on a Monday evening.