It’s that time of year! A bit of sunshine, a bit warmer and we migrate outside. For some of us spring gardeners we dust off the mower and search out the various gardening tools and go for it!

Often it’s the next day, (typical of any unusual activity) we can’t move! Or at least we can’t lift our arms up, can’t bend over to tie up our laces….. usually this eases up over a few days. it starts raining and we don’t repeat these activities until the next spell of good weather.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to be gardening ready? If we really consider the level of physical activity we are doing then it makes sense to make sure we’re fit to start with. Its likely that unless we gradually do a bit of gardening building up over time then we will feel some soreness in the muscles we don’t use to do these activities. Bending and leaning and moving heavy loads. but if we maintain a basic level of strength and flexibility then it’s likely to be a much more enjoyable and satisfying activity.
I do love a kettle bell myself, or any free weight. Something that you can use to mimic some of the unusual positions / activities you do. Starting off with basic exercises such as a farmers walk, mimicking carrying something or kettlebell swings will get your body used to different movements. There’s lots of ideas out there, just remember to start light and gradually progress as the exercises become more familiar. And of course, if you’re struggling and want someone to work with you then please get in touch.