When you arrive for your appointment we will invite you into the building once you have reconfirmed your symptom free status. We ask you to wear a face covering for the safety of our team, and we will greet you wearing the appropriate PPE for your safety.
We will conduct as much of your appointment remotely to maximise the time you are at clinic for essential assessment and treatment that can not be done remotely.
Following our Risk Assessment we have implemented specific processes which address all the controllable risks. These include;
- Team health screening prior to each clinic
- A controlled one-way system
- Reduced numbers of the team on site at any one time
- Staggered appointments & time inbetween to allow for extensive cleaning & airing of rooms
- Clear distance markers throughout the building
- Numerous hand sanitising stations with guidance to ensure effectiveness
- Appropriate PPE
- Enhanced cleaning processes; related to virus protocols
Please get in contact if we can help at all: [email protected] / 07977 239893